Wednesday, July 4, 2007

How to Make Millions doing large single Currency Exchanges

How to Make Millions doing large single Currency Exchanges.

There are myriads of individuals who have heard of people that someone else knows well and are making millions for a few months on single large currency exchanges. You have probably heard of this but unless you are fortunate, you are not likely to know them personally. These sort of exchanges take place but are not at all easy to complete. I know just about everyone in the business. It is a hard business and a many would be billionaire ended up getting nothing for many months of work. I knew a man that was trying for about 15 years, if he is to be believed, and never closed even one. The truth be told about 99.9% of these exchanges never earns anyone anything but a waste of time.

The exchange itself is about locating very rich people who need each other’s currency in the worse way and in such large amounts that just taking it to the bank is not conducive to what they need to do. Some of these exchanges could be in the trillions of dollars and a long list of banks and financial institutions could be involved.

So why would a person spend years trying to do this? Because the payoff is like nothing else you have heard of. One transaction completed could mean 100 million dollars or more in your pocket.

As you can see this is unlike the usual currency trading. No real speculation need go on. All that is needed is for the providers to have the means to come up with the amount of each currency; it could be EURO for USD or some other currency. There is an exchange rate that fluctuates all the time which is taken account of simply. There is prepared a contract and a payment agreement that details the percentage of the amounts that will be paid out to each side and all intermediaries.

The intermediaries who bring the two providers together only do so to be paid those huge amounts that are paid in these transactions. Some people like to be called finders, while other doesn’t mind being called brokers.

So why aren't more deals completed? There are three reasons, brokers, privacy and GREED. All a broker can and should do is bring both sides together after the broker has protected his pay via contract. If he is lucky or very skilled, he has access to both providers and after helping both sides to compromise is able work out the pay for everyone involved and both providers sign the contract. The broker has COMPLETED his work.

Few people in this business can say that they have completed 5 contracts. I don’t know anyone else besides myself. You only need complete one to never have to work again in your life. Needless to say, I am not active in the business as of earlier this year. I have not ruled anything out. People still seek me out and if I ever get the hankering or see a great deal, I am not saying that I won’t do it again.

This I know, I have never dealt in a situation that is more stress filled in my life. There are so many pitfalls. Most of the stuff that people tell you out there are broker lies and misunderstandings.

Example: On very small single currency exchanges, those in the millions, you can mostly do a 15 gross 10 net exchange. That means the stronger currency provider could get 15 cents on every dollar that is exchanged. 5 cents will go to intermediaries and he keeps the 10 percent.

If you are doing, let’s say a 100 trillion dollar exchange, there are all sorts of things that must be taken into account. If it’s EURO to USD, the Federal Reserve has the last say on everything. Furthermore on contracts this size, there will be nowhere close to a 15 /10 exchange or 5% payout. Believe it or not, there are people who think it should. These are people that should know better. You have to be able to explain forcefully and be able to end the greed that jumps up to bite most of these transactions.

I know how to do these things, which is the reasons that I am preparing and e-book that shows what it takes to complete these very lucrative transactions. I will be honest not everyone will likely be able to do so. Not because it’s impossible, but because some people will refuse to project themselves properly to get it done.

You see the early part is easy, you can get everyone to tentatively agree, but it never fails that the last tenth of the mile is the hardest. Someone has to take charge in such a strong and positive way that the others go along. Some personalities are not so conducive for this. In which case you need to know who is and partner with them. This last tenth of a mile, just when you think you will walk away a millionaire, is when you have to be willing to say forget it at a moments notice. This is where you cannot care. This is where you must know what is acceptable to your client and be able to say, I am sorry it won’t work.

If you are really smart, you will do all of this up front. That is to tell what is absolutely acceptable. You will still find that people will agree but never want to put it on paper. You must set time limits, stipulations and performance penalties so that you will not
waste your time needlessly.

The e-book will walk you through a contract and show you how to deal with any objections. Maybe most important, It will show how to form the high powered relationships that make these deals more than an exercise in futility.

I intend to put my years of experience in a concise short form that can be used as a manual to handle any situation.You will know when to hold them, fold them, and run away. You must know all this in this world of terrorist activity or you could find yourself funding Osama Ben Laden and have Uncle Sam on your door step.

When the book is finish, it is my plan to update this article and show you how to get the rest of the story. Exact methods to position yourself and completed one of these transactions the way I have done five others.

By Bill Sullivan

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